The Gael's Apprentice (on hold)
46 lượt thích / 928 lượt đọc
In the elder days of Britannia, the chivalric code was slowly dying, and the knights of Britannia posed a major threat to the sleepy, peaceable townsfolk of Hibernia and Caledonia. Eothain of Hibernia discovers this the hard way, when a wandering rogue British knight attacks her hometown. Enter the Gaelic Riders. Natives of Caledonia and Hibernia, this band of brave yet humble and honorable warrior monks make a stand against the corrupt Church of Britannia and the forces of darkness infesting the lands. "So, little one, are you in?" (Notice to readers: in no way whatsoever do I have anything against the Roman-Catholic Church. This is purely a fictional piece of work. Thank you.