
【Fanfic dịch】but the truth is, i want to say out loud. 【TodoBaku】



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【Fanfic dịch】but the truth is, i want to say out loud. 【TodoBaku】

279 lượt thích / 3596 lượt đọc
Bởi vì việc nghĩ đến nó khiến tao đau nhói, nên tao không muốn quan tâm. 【ĐÃ XIN PER】 Original fiction: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12174738 Original fanart: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=65143724 If you're the author of this fic or the artist of the artwork and dont want me to translate it or use it, please let me know.

Danh sách chương 【Fanfic dịch】but the truth is, i want to say out loud. 【TodoBaku】