
The Journey To Nowhere

*Scott's pov*

I yawned as I looked at the other caravans all closed up. The gates of the elven kingdom was closed again for the night, and I was setting up a campfire. I had such a lovely audience yesterday and kids are still cute but such a hassle to deal with.

I chuckled before touching my leg, vex are rare to find because of how hard it is to raise one without them becoming manic or bloodthirsty. See vex when they get all their baby teeth in, their diet immediately changes so you have to look out for that. Once that happens you have to give them raw meat, they literally won't accept anything else until they have had something. The catch is it has to be fresh meat so you bet your either going to be going hunting every day or by the meat store everyday to get something.

The good part is that they do learn more self control as they grow up and by teen years they need less fresh meats and any raw meat is good but fresh will satisfy them for much longer. By the time they are adults if you've raised them well they can fend for themselves get what they need and do ordinary everyday things like find lovers an so on. If they do get a lover and have kids well then good luck.

That's another catch, vex are always born as twins so you always immediately get two kids and rarely you get 3, but again raising them is really difficult and they can go bloodthirsty and have to be put down which is why the population of vex have never gotten massive. Parents always take a risk when doing things. So for a human to be taking care of two vex is impressive and I'm glad they have a system down that works for them and for the care and comfort of the kids she's taking care of.

Taking a deep breath I finally moved going back inside after putting out the fire and I go to mama cat as she meows at me. I give her more water as I set down a bit of leftover fish that I had for dinner. Looking at the kittens they were all cuddled up sleeping and I smiled at their adorableness. I looked at mama cat before I reached over and pet her.

After that I moved and got ready for bed. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day, it's always the first day that is light but after that it can get busy real quickly especially when people start speaking to each other and so on. Maybe I'll come across some other shop owners and get some good trade on stuff I need. Fabrics for sure, I could do with some ingredients to make up dyes and some food that local for this area. Also when I say ingredients for dyes, a lot of people don't have the time to make dyes so sell the ingredients for people to use when they need it.

Either way I yawned and laid down as I left my hat on my stand and licked my thumb and pointed fingers before reaching over and put out the lamp fire. As I pulled up my cover and I looked at my hat and just stared at where I put the earrings. Something in me said just leave them there, that someday those will be a gift. I smiled as I turned and closed my eyes. My senses have never been wrong, no matter how much I've tried to provide them wrong they always are right. So I've learned to trust them.

*Cleo's pov*

Today did not go as I had thought it would. I thought it would be a quick come through but as soon as Scar saw Gem? Oh man I knew I was going to be extending my visit, and then when Cub went and was just absolutely memorized by this new caravan. I don't know what to say.

I'm overall super glad that I met Gem because now I could properly thank her because my life's changed so much not only with one of my children being saved and treated with no costs but now I have a honest doctor that doesn't give me shit about having vex children. So got the papers signed and Scar and Cub are actually happier when going for a doctor visit. I stood there as I stirred the soup I was making before I felt a small head bump into my leg and I paused as I looked at Cub, who looked up at me.

"Someone knocked at the door, and Scar can't find his little stool." Cub said pointing twords the door so I moved turning down the heat for the soup as I started walking twords the front door.

"I'm coming!" I called as Scar yelled my name and I got to the front door and reached over and opened it looking at who was there before a smile grew

"Hello..." Gem nervously said as she waved and Scar gave a gasp as he ran over and jumped grabbing onto Gem's leg

"I'm so happy you agreed to come over" I said as I stepped to the side inviting Gem in as she bent down and walked through being mindful of her antlers and surrounds

"Ya, honestly I would have been home but the idea that the boys would love to see me brought me over... Umm I brought from fruits if needed." Gem held up a small basket with a few apples, pears, and oranges.

"Well then, come on in of course watch your head our house wasn't fully ment for tall people like you but I think it'll work out" I chuckled as I moved grabbing the boys and brought them inside.

Gem bent low enough as she walked in and finally stood up straight when in the main room which was good to know that this can work out it's just the entryway that she needs to be aware of. I let the boys run off to greet her and play with her while I finished making soup. I did make it all vegan or at least I have the side meat option for myself and probably the boys as well after they have their raw meat as well. So I called dinner and Gem walked over with a smile and both boys on her back enjoying themselves.

Overall it was such a nice little time together with Gem. She's very sweet compared to most of the guards in the kingdom and honestly I don't think she realizes that. However that's not my main concern as Scar was happily chatting away before I had to remind him to eat his food which he did after quieting down. I looked at Gem seeing her happy look to be here before Gem asked me if I had a partner

Now I do have one it's just... I absolutely hate them. They are absent basically everyday and when they do come home it's only to crash for a bit and then straight up leave again. Scar and Cub have tried to bond with him but he's always dismissed them and not cared and honestly what pisses me off the most is that about a month ago, Scar got hurt under his fucking watch and so if he walks in here I'm forcing his hand to sign those damn divorce papers. Anyways that was a short conversation with Gem I didn't elaborate anything while Cub and Scar were there at the table.

Gem stayed until finally I put both Scar and Cub to bed and I thanked her for her help on that as she chuckled.
"It's really no problem, they are such good boys" Gem said as I smiled twords their room

"I was nervous when I was pregnant with them but over time I've learned and it's been such a wonderful learning train" I took a deep breath as I looked at Gem

"Wait you actually gave birth or them?" Gem asked

"Yes, let's just say genes skipped me and went to Scar and Cub" I chuckled as Gem sighed

"Surprising, but maybe while I'm hanging out with you guys I'll learn more and more. I've actually been wanting to learn more on vex because they are so uncommon." Gem stated and I blinked and lightly laughed

"Oh then your in for a ride but I won't keep you here you still have a shift tomorrow watching that caravan" I pointed out as Gem nodded

"Scott's a very nice teen" Gem said before she called a quick good bye and waved as she carefully walked through the door.

"Bye bye, I'll see you tomorrow likely after Scar's had school." I called out and Gem gave a thumbs up before she trotted off. I chuckled as I moved cleaning things up and then got ready for bed. I'm sure the boys would be happy to see her and Scott tomorrow

*Gem's pov*

I came back out and took a deep breath of air as I made my way over to Scott's caravan only to see him sitting there with a cat, feeding it and giving it water while also having a laid out blanket slightly shaded by the trees in the area. Trotting over I then gave a small gasp as I saw 5 little kittens in the blanket as Scott looked up at me and smiled. I gave a soft look as Scott moved getting up and brushed himself off. He then turned and grabbed the blanket and carefully lifted making sure all kittens were inside as he moved them inside of the caravan. I can't with the cutest but at the same time how the heck did he end up with a cat? And how old are those kittens?

"Hey Gem how are you doing?" Scott asked as he came out and bend down grabbing a plate in assuming he had his breakfast already.

"I'm doing good just coming over for the normal shift" I stated and Scott chuckled

"Fair, well then I geuss I need to properly set up" Scott smiled as he moved twords the caravan and the cat meowed as she followed, I'm assuming it's a she because of the kittens. I moved around as I came to the side of the caravan while Scott opened the windows then blinked as he looked at me

"What's with the kittens?" I asked and Scott stared before he gave another chuckle which turned into a laugh

"What are you laughing about?" I asked and Scott waved his hand

"No no no don't worry. I found the poor mama on my way here, pregnant and fairly skinny I'm assuming she managed to get away from a predator but she was exhausted and hostile when I found her, but I picked her up, cleaned her gave her food and water and three days later she gave me, 4 healthy babies and 1 baby that I had to warm up and save" Scott smiled reminiscing over the memory as I moved looking inside the caravan at the mama cat laying down with the kittens

"How old are they?" I asked and Scott took a sharp inhale.

"Oh god maybe like.... Almost a week old, I'm hoping to find new homes for all the kittens before I have to hit the road again." Scott stated as he rubbed the underside of his chin a bit

I hummed as I moved hearing chatting of possible customers coming over so I moved going back to the shade and Scott smiled as he moved grabbing the racks of clothes and started hanging them up as the people got there and am Scott greeted them as he continued. Honestly I can see this being a long but also short day. Really depends if anything interesting happens

*Scott's pov*

Day went as I expected it to, fast moving. I'm a busy man, telling stories, helping customers, talking about trades with some people who leave them come back and then I have to quickly put away things so that it's not a massive cluttered mess. I have to stay organized somehow otherwise it's a complete clean out and then putting everything back which can become a absolute pain especially with dyes.

As lunch rolled around a stretched as Gem had gone off somewhere. I sighed as I moved grabbing some things and started to set up idea's for dinner while I munched down on an apple I just needed to eat before it went bad. I hummed as I was putting things away, but I looked up when the bell for my assistance sounded and I yelled a muffled "coming!" As I finished folding the cloth and put it away closing the drawer and walked outside.

"Hi how can I help-" I stopped as I looked at Cleo who stood there with a small basket and a smile

"Oh well hello there, Cleo right? What can I help you with this fine afternoon" I asked with a smile as I finished my apple.

"Well, it's more of a request if you can do it." Cleo gave a chuckle as I tilted my head

"What's your request?" I asked now very curious

"Well.... You seem like a really nice person and obviously Gem's also guarding your caravan and so I wanted to ask if you could watch my two boys. I know they are dangerous with the whole hunger thing but their birthday is coming up within a few weeks and I want to be able to work my job extra so I can get something special. I was going to ask Gem since Scar's really close to her but since she's watching over you I was wondering if maybe both of you can do this?" Cleo asked as she put her hands together and had a nervous smile.

Honestly I have no problem with vex, not like it's isn't the first time I've met one or seen one. I mean sure children forms of vex are a bit more daring but I can handle it, I'm just going to have to write a sign saying that I'll be extra busy and a bit slow. I took a deep breath and smiled as Cleo looked at me.

"Sure! But you better get me braces for my ankles because I still need to stand and walk around" I stated with a laughed as Cleo snorted and laughed back.

"Deal, and thank you so much. I know it's not much but here. A kind of payment I geuss" Cleo held out the basket and I took it lifted the lid and I felt my mouth drool a bit seeing not only some fresh fruit but obviously some fresh baked bread and a covered over pot of soup. I don't know what kind but I know it smells great.

"I'm assuming you want the basket and pot back eventually right?" I asked looking up at her and she nodded as she leaned more on her left foot

"Ya it would be helpful, I hope this is good enough" she pointed with her whole hand and I closed the basket

"This is plenty" I smiled as I moved and slightly went into my caravan and put the basket away before coming out

"Well then, lunch seems to be ending I'm sure you have places to be." I said as I looked at Cleo who sighed

"Honestly I wish I didn't need to go to other places but this needs to get done. Anyways thank you so much Scott I'll go pick up the boy's really quick and bring them over" Cleo stated and I blinked

"Oh we're starting today, alright let's do this" I huffed, honestly I love a good challenge for the day. Makes things really interesting especially around my store

"Oh right I geuss I didn't specify but seems like your ready, so I'll be back soon!" Cleo called as she backed away doing a couple of hops before turning and. then started running

I smiled as Gem trotted back over to me before slowing down to a walk. "So what was that?" She asked looking at me

"Oh, we're going to be looking after Scar and Cub together" I stated before going back into the caravan

"Wait..... What!?" Gem called and I lightly laughed

Of course it did take long for Cleo to come by and she told me that she promised to have a system down to being able to come out and get food to the boys before things get out of hand if she can't make it then she'll make sure that I had something for the day that's fresh. She also gave me leather braces for my ankles which I was surprised by because I was originally just joking but she said it's for the better as she also gave me wrist arm braces.

I got to tell Cub and Scar the situation, simply saying that their mom wanted to get them something special. So now I'm telling stories to little kids while Cub and Scar are munching on meat off to the side. Parents were very understanding when I mentioned that I may be slow with them as I tell stories and also watch two vex kids. Gem often was sitting with Scar rolling around on her back or just chatting about things. Cub seems to be the main kid I have to watch.

As evening was falling I had Cub latched to my back as I waved bye to a customer I sighed at the counter before I heard a meow and I looked up and smiled as I held up my hand and pet the mama cat as she purred against my hand. I pet her until I heard a small gasp and I looked down seeing Scar with a stary eyed excitement on his face

"Cat!" He called out as he held out his hands in a grabby motion and tried calling for the mama as I looked at him and chuckled

"Do you love cats Scar?" I asked as Mama looked at Scar before she moved and stretched

"I love cats a lot!" Scar waved his hands around as I slightly looked at Cub who nodded and I moved as I as made some motions to Mama and she jumped down and walked over to Scar who continued to call to her before he just sat down and started to pet her absolutely adoring her with love

"Be careful with her she's recovering from injuries" I said as Scar looked at me then started to pet the back gently

"What happened?" Cub asked and I looked at him

"I found her on the roadside when she needed help" I said as Scar looked at me then back at the cat and frowned

"Oh...." Scar whispered feeling bad for the cat before Mama meowed and Scar continued to pet her as Gem walked over

"Wait what's the cat's name?" Scar asked and I leaned on my elbow a bit

"She doesn't have a name. I call her Mama because she has 5 healthy kittens" I stated as Scar looked at me

"Kittens!? Can I see!" He asked excited and I blinked then chuckled

"I mean sure, they are carefully snuggled in a blanket nest of sorts" I stated as I started walking and Scar followed as Gem moved poking her head in through the counter as I let Scar into the caravan. Cub still hasn't let go of my back

"Just like a bird's nest?" Scar asked looking at me

"Yes something like that" I said before we walked over and Scar looked at the kittens in absolutely awe.

"They are a week old right now but since I'll be here for another three or so weeks, by the time I'm leaving I can find homes for them" I said as Scar gasped as he looked at me

"....yes that means you can pick one" I calmly said as Scar squealed jumping around before I stopped him

"Let's not do that, you could hurt them" I pointed out as Scar frowned saddened

"I don't want to hurt them" scar mumbled and I sighed

"I know, you just have to be careful" I said and Scar nodded as Gem gave an awww while looking at the little cats.

Scar sat down and looked at them before his fazed fixated on one specific kitten, the smallest one in the batch, the one I had to save. They don't have fur on them so I'm just a tab but surprising that Scar is immediately looking at that one but then again fate has a way of working where they bring the right people together.

"I'll let you have first pick of the kittens before I leave how about that?" I asked and Scar looked at me and nodded

"Ok!" He smiled before Gem moved pulling her head out then brought it back in

"Hey Cleo's on her way." She stated as I got up and then moved picking up Scar

"Mama's here" Cub said as I came out of the caravan and looked at Cleo running over

"Oh jeez ok I'm here, hi I'm here to pick up the boys" Cleo managed to say through her panting breath after running all the way here.

"No it's quite alright. The boys have been really well behaved" I stated as I gave Cleo Scar and she took Cub off my back

"That's good, and again thank you so much for this." Cleo said and I nodded as I looked at Gem.

"I geuss then your heading back in for the night?" I asked Cleo and Gem.

"I've got a bit longer with you" gem huffed as Cleo chuckled

"I'll be heading back to make sure the boys get to sleep and have dinner" Cleo stated and I nodded

"Well then see you tomorrow" I called as Cleo started to walk away both boys waved bye before Scar turned to her and likely started talking about the kittens.

I sighed as I moved back to the caravan to get the rest of my work done as I waited for everyone to finally be gone as I closed shop. I watched Gem leave as the gates closed and I went inside to settle for the night. Wow it's been a really long time since I've had friends. Well I hope they are my friends..... I hope.

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