
Maybe This Job Isn T So Bad


Chapter Sixteen

It’s been a week since she’s spoken to Taeyeon’s group. They’ve currently stopped showing up at school and work. So she spent whatever time she could watching the news and reading the newspaper with Tiffany beside her. She was guilt ridden and even more so paranoid. If she was never so nosey she wouldn’t have found out about the weapons and she would have never told Taeyeon to get rid of said evil item.

With a sigh of frustration she takes a seat in the couch in the living room beside Krystal taking the remote out of the younger girl’s hand. “Hey! I’m watching something.”

“I need to see something else,” states Jessica as she changes the channel to some local news station, this time hoping for more information other than a local car accident.

“The news again?” asks Krystal in disbelief, “You and Tiffany have gone boring.” The younger girl huffs before storming off to who knows where. Jessica ignores the girl and continues watching the news when Tiffany enters the room.

“Anything yet?” asks Tiffany while she takes Krystal seat.

“No.” A knock upon the door halts all conversations and Jessica watches as Tiffany stands to answer it.

“Yuri!” shouts Tiffany happily. She wraps her arms around the taller girl before backing away and spotting Taeyeon standing a few feet back, “Taeyeon!” Jessica turns back to the television as Taeyeon’s voice fills her ears.

She continues watching the news as Tiffany walks apst her holding hands with Yuri taking returning to her seat. Taeyeon takes a seat on the floor with her back to Jessica turning her attention to the news.

Jessica takes her eyes away from the bright screen and looks Taeyeon over noticing the cast on the girl’s hand since her sleeves were blocking the rest and the cuts on the older girl’s face. A nudge to her side and she looks over at Tiffany. “Sit on the ground beside her,” orders Tiffany in a low whisper.

“Why?” whispers back Jessica. “I believe we’re not dating.

“Not with that attitude. You haven’t seen her in a week. You stress over the fact that you haven’t seen or heard from her. She’s here so sit with her,” she pushes Jessica off the couch causing for her to land beside Taeyeon. Taeyeon looks over at Jessica giving her smile before turning back to watch the box full of pictures. Noticing the space between the two older girls, Tiffany leans forward, “Seven days. You have seven days to make her yours.”

“I know that,” whispers Jessica.

“Then do something. Do not make me admit it again,” hisses Tiffany.

“Why are you trying to force me into something I’m unsure of?”

“You’re not unsure. You’re just in denial.”

“Am not.”

“Are too.”

“It’s okay Tiffany,” states Taeyeon; her eyes never leaving the screen, “She doesn’t have to say anything.”

“See I don’t have to say anything.”

“Now you’re in denial,” comments Yuri joining the conversation, “this week all you wanted was to hear Jessica.” A small blush crosses Taeyeon’s face as she’s been ratted out.

“Ooh visitors,” states Krystal reentering the living, “and by the way mom says you have to give me back the remote.”

“Fine,” states Jessica as she tosses the small black device at Krystal. She pushes herself up from off the ground and heads to the front door exiting it. Taeyeon eyes the front door before standing up and walking outside after Jessica.

She spots the younger girl lying on the grass watching the clouds. She walks over to the bed taking a seat beside Jessica. “Um…”

“Close your mouth,” orders Jessica while sitting up, “what happened?”

“Nothing important.”

“Here we go with being secretive.”

“A guy rammed the side of my car. And I got away unscathed thanks to Yuri and Hyo.”

“Unscathed? You’re arm is in a cast.” Jessica lies back down, “why were you gone for such a long time?”

“Father went ballistic. He had everyone trapped inside the house for a week trying to sort through everyone to find the mole.” Jessica nods her head and closes her eyes.

“I was worried.” It was Taeyeon’s turn to nod her head, “I didn’t mean for you to get rid of your protection that was in the car. I shouldn’t have been scared. You said you hands weren’t dirty and I was still scared. I almost cost you your-“

“It doesn’t matter,” Taeyeon lies back beside Jessica. “But my car is totaled.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It’s okay. Father says it’s better if I didn’t have one anyways.” Silence overcomes them only for a short moment before Taeyeon states, “Did Tiffany really mean what she said? Do you really like me and want to be my girlfriend?”

“Have you ever kissed a person?” asks Jessica changing subjects.

“On the lips?” responds Taeyeon going along with the change of topic, “no.”


“They’re not doing anything but lying there,” states Yuri while leaning over Tiffany’s shoulders as they peeked out of the window.

“I swear if Jessi doesn’t admit her feelings…”

“Be quiet,” states Krystal was straining to hear the conversation.


“Back to my question. Do you really like me?”


“Then why haven’t you admitted to wanting to be my girlfriend?”

“I’m still unsure.”

Taeyeon opens her mouth to respond when her phone goes off. “I have to go. I’ve been in one spot for too long.” She pushes herself up as her family car pulls up.

“Taeyeon,” calls out Jessica. Taeyeon looks over at her, “I like you,” whispers Jessica with her eyes still close.

“Really?” Jessica nods her head, “Okay, come.” She grabs Jessica hand and leads her to the family car. As they approach the car one of the body guards her father has assigned to her climbs out.

“Ms. Taeyeon-“

“No one is to security check her besides myself which I already have and she’s cleared got that?” Her body guard nods her head and opens the door for the two of them. Jessica slides into the back seat and Taeyeon follows her in. The door closes and Taeyeon releases a sigh. “I hate having to be like that…it’s too tedious.” Jessica nods her head, “So you like me?” asks Taeyeon while raising an eyebrow.

“No,” mutters Jessica going back on the defensive.

“Are you sure?” asks Taeyeon as she scoots closer to Jessica causing for the younger girl to scoot away.


“Okay then,” states Taeyeon as she leans back in her seat and pulls out her cell phone.

“What are you doing?” asks Jessica while watching Taeyeon.

“Oh remember the girl that was standing in line to get some ice cream? Yeah well I saved her number,” Jessica reaches over and grabs the phone deleting the number. “You deleted it?” Jessica hands the phone back and crosses her arms. “It’s okay I’ll just text someone else.” Jessica snatches the phone back and deletes the number before throwing the device at Taeyeon, “Hey! You shouldn’t have deleted that.”

“Why? So you can call her later tonight?”


“Then I should have deleted it!” responds Jessica. “And I should delete everything else in here.”

“Now how am I supposed to call you,” states Taeyeon dejectedly. Jessica stops her task at hand and looks over at Taeyeon.

“T-that was my number?” asks Jessica.

“Yeah…I already have Tiffany’s so I saved it after I returned home that evening.”

“Oh…” She presses a few buttons before handing the phone back to Taeyeon. Taeyeon takes it and slides it in her pocket keeping her eyes ahead. Jessica took the chance to look at Taeyeon more closely. She sticks her hand out and traces over the fait scratches and scars on Taeyeon’s face. “Did it hurt?” Taeyeon shakes her head no. “None of this hurt?”

“The arm did,” answers Taeyeon while holding up her encased arm. Jessica wraps her fingers around the arm pulling it to her lap. Her fingers ghosts over the cast when she feels a pair of wet lips touch her cheek. Wide eyed she turns and looks at Taeyeon who was looking somewhere else.

“W-why did you just do that?”

“Because you’re my girlfriend,” answers Taeyeon.

“I never agreed. I said I liked you.”

“So you do like me?”

“Yes I do like you,” admits Jessica again as she turns and looks out the window.

“Then you’re my girl friend.”

“Do you even know how to treat a girlfriend?” questions Jessica as she turns back to Taeyeon with a brow raised.

“You’ll be the first.”

“So what was Sunny?”

“Confusing and complicated.” Jessica couldn’t help but laugh at the expression Taeyeon had made while saying those three words. A smile makes its way across Taeyeon’s face as she leans back in her seat.

Jessica’s laughter dies down and she gives Taeyeon a serious look, “I want a real date. No cheap meals, ice cream, or miniature golf. And I know you refuse to use any money your family owns but you’re taking me on a real date. Like normal people do.”

“Does that mean movies?” Jessica nods her head. “But what happened to wanting to be in well lit places and around a crowd of people? Has my good behavior persuaded you otherwise? Or is it that you miss me touching you-Ow!” She rubs her shoulder and looks up at the glaring girl. “I’m already bruised and beaten…”


“Is she okay?” asks Tiffany while turning to Yuri.

“She’s fine. We got there in time to help her out some. She only broke an arm and some minor scratches,” answers Yuri.

“Did they go after her because she’s the heir?” asks Tiffany wanting to know more about what her and Jessica are getting themselves into.

“No they went after her because she wanted them too.” Yuri’s eyes widen as she quickly stands up, “You know just forget what I just said. Um…let’s go out and get something to eat.” Tiffany gives her a questioning look before nodding her head and standing up.

“Krystal,” the young girl peeks her head out of the kitchen, “I’m going out…so tell Dad when you see him.”

“Yeah yeah.”


Hyoyeon leads Sooyoung and Yoona through the mall heading for where Sunny said she would be waiting for them. They spot the small girl leaning against one of the railing and looking down at the shoppers below. “Sunny!” shouts Hyoyeon, getting the girl’s attention.

“So what do you guys want?”

“I think you know something,” answers Hyoyeon.

“Look just because Yuri and Taeyeon aren’t letting you in on something doesn’t mean I know something. I don’t talk to Taeyeon very much since she broke up with me.”

“Yeah but she was on the phone with you that night after she got back from the hospital.” Sunny turns her back to the group.

“You sister has confided in me. She actually let me in on something. For once, so I’m not spilling. Do whatever bad guy torture that you guys know but I’m not spilling.”

Hyoyeon shoves Sooyoung into Sunny while glaring at the taller girl. “Sunny if you tell us…I’ll announce to the whole school that we’re going out.” Sunny’s eyes lit up.



“Okay…not here to many people. Meet me at my house this evening.”










































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