'So, what's the plan for today?,' i asked brushing my hair.'Let's go the mall,' said Hazel excitingly.'Not again. we went to the mall last week,' I cried.'There might be new bieber stuff,' she said.I rolled my eyes.'Bieber! Bieber! Bieber! is there any one day when you haven't mentioned his name?''Ummm..no,' replied Hazel hilariously.'You go alone to the mall,' i said.Hazel's face dropped.'C'mon, i will be bored all alone.''Oh really? You can spend time checking out bieber stuff.''Bae, i will buy something for you.''You don't have to buy me anything. Your insisting me so much, so i will come with you,' i said cooly.She gave me a lopsided grin.We boarded the taxi to the 'Infinity Mall'. I chose to wear shorts and a crop top. Hazel was wearing one of her Justin Bieber's shirt displaying the "I'm A Proud Belieber" print to everyone.We walked in through the entrance after the checking of our bags. Infinity mall never failed to amuse me. The mall housed 250 room luxury hotel, 20 cinema screen plus 120 restaurants and cafes. The ceiling is domed higher than any cathedral and made of the most beautiful glass. All lavish shops like Globus, Marks And Spencer, Starbucks, Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein.......are found here. We passed a band of musicians and took the escalator to the next floor.Hazel paused at a shop called the 'Fashionable Lady'. She was staring at a mannequin wearing a lacy lingerie and denim jeans. I rolled my eyes.'Let's go,' i said taking her hand.'Wait, i want it,' she said pointing at the mannequin.I stared at her open-mouthed.'Are you crazy? Why the hell do you need a lingerie?,' i murmured.'No silly. I want the wig,' she said heading towards the entrance of the shop.'Are you nuts?,' i asked unbelievingly.It's cool. It's
purple in color,' she said dreamily.'Be sensible. Just because it's Justin's color, you don't have to buy everything that's purple.'She gave me a
business look and shoved me out of the way. After an hour of bargaining with the shopkeeper who was forced to call the manager, Hazel managed to get the wig for fifty dollars!She sat beside me sipping juice from her can, sporting the wig.'Stop staring at me April.''You are mad!''I liked the wig, i bought it. What's the big deal in it?''It was not for sale and you spent fifty dollars on this low quality wig,' I said disgustingly.'My wish, my money. Don't say anything now,' she said crushing her can. 'Hey, take a pic of me in this wig.''You are insane,' I scowled.Hazel bought more Justin Bieber T-shirts along with the accessories.'You have this one at home.''It's faded. I need a new one.''Hazel! You bought it only last week,' I reminded her.She looked at me blankly. 'So what?'Now this is another problem with the beliebers. Their brain stops functioning when they come across bieber stuff. They just want to buy all of it! They can ransack the entire shop within a minute only if they are given a chance. The reason behind collecting so many stuff ( even though your house is not big enough to house these things) is that every belieber wants to outstand other beliebers and prove that they are the one and only superfan! This is how much they are mad for the
one less lonely boy.'Check out these bracelets. Aren't they cool? ,' asked Hazel checking herself out in the mirror. 'I'm gonna make Lucy jealous.'Lucy is our neighbour.'Why would she be jealous? She's not even a belieber,' i said to myself.'Let's go home. My legs hurt,' i said stretching my legs.As we hurried towards the exit, I remembered that mom had asked me to buy a box of
Belgian chocolates for her. 'Hazel, mom had asked me to buy chocolates for her,' i said heading back.'Why? For whom?''Maybe some friend of hers,' I said. 'Look, there's the shop.'The shop invited us with a rich aroma of chocolates that stung in the air. I picked up two boxes of Belgian chocolates and headed to the counter. I jumped when i heard Hazel's scream.'Oh My Bieber!,' exclaimed Hazel.(Beliebers use the term 'Oh My Bieber!' instead of 'Oh My Gosh!' or 'Oh My God!')'What happened now?''Look at them,' she said handing me a chocolate bar wrapped in shiny purple cover with the name
Hershey's printed on it.'I don't see anything special about it.''Look at the back,' said Hazel controlling the excitement in her voice.I read aloud:
If you find a golden ticket inside, then don't wait.....pick up your phone and call 1800 1800 and win a chance to go on a date with Justin!!! Yes, you heard it right. Go on a date with Justin...
You can also mail us a snap of the golden ticket @hersheysgoldenticket.in along with your phone number. To find out if you are lucky enough to meet the pop sensation, buy Hershey's bar now.
I grimaced.
This ain't true. There won't be any golden ticket in any one of these chocolate bars,' I said placing back the chocolate in its place.
'I need your lecture sissy,' she said and started picking up the chocolates.
'What are you doing Hazel?'
'I'm going to buy it.'
'Only one right?,' I asked doubtfully.
'No bae. I'm gonna buy all of them.'
'Hazel, mom will kill you!'
'Don't worry. Your mom won't know anything about these chocolates. It's a secret between you and me.'
'I'm not supporting you.'
She made a puppy face.
'Don't you want me to go on a date with Justin? Don't you want me to win the golden ticket and make my dream come true? Don't you.......'
'Ok fine. Go on. It's your money. Spend it the way you like,' I said and walked out.
I carried home two plastic bags and Hazel carried her bieber stuff and twelve dozen Hershey's chocolates!!!
(P.S. you should have seen the shopkeeper's face when Hazel ordered him to pack the entire stack of chocolates.)
Find out if Hazel is lucky enough to win the golden ticket or not............ I hope you are enjoying! :) Don't forget to leave in your comments.