Because Being Together Is Enough
Because Being Together Is Enough~3Back to my daily routine, I got ready for school. Although, one thing was different. I had Mike in my life now. I saw him waiting for me at the end of the street. I hugged him and we both rode to school together. He kissed me goodbye and everyone at the school were jealous of my new-"Anna Jean Jones!" I jumped out of my bed and looked around frantically."What? What happened?" I yelled to no one in particular.I literally rotated on my feet looking around and saw my very angry mother. "Oh! Mom," I said, yawning. I didn't have a clue of what was coming next."You have five minutes," she said putting her hands on her hips."Five minutes?" I asked, confused."You have five minutes to get ready for school or I am going to drop you in your pajamas itself," she spoke slowly as if I had some listening disability and needed to lip-read."What?" I exclaimed, horror-struck."You heard," I groaned and ran to the bathroom. 4 minutes 90 seconds later, I found myself in my school dress. I looked myself, in the mirror- my hair looked horrible like a bird's devastated nest. I picked up the comb and heard my mom impatiently blowing the horn of her car. Seriously? I could go on my cycle, why did she have to drop me. To say that I was irritated was an understatement. She knew how much I hated that noise. I went to my window which was 4 steps away from my dressing table and I shouted, "I am coming, just give me a minute please!" I think she pretended to not understand, she showed me her watch and pointed towards it as if saying that we were late already... I got back to look myself in the mirror. I didn't care much about how I looked but from the last few days I was having awkward encounters with hot boys. Correction: Very hot boys.I was not very good at selecting outfits, neither I was good at styling my hair and as a matter of fact I was late for the school today. Wait a second, why was I wasting my time here instead of doing something about my hair! Well, as I said, I just managed to comb my hair a bit and ran down the stairs. I literally flew into the car and slammed the door shut."Let's go!" I said panting which earned me a glare from my mom. You won't want to see that glare, trust me.On reaching the main road, I kept looking for Mike. I don't know why but I guess just one glance would make my day. Unfortunately, I was not fortunate enough, today. Ha!The school parking lot was deserted which was not at all a good sign. It meant that the bell had rung and by now everyone would be thinking that I was absent. I waved my mother a good-bye and walked inside. Why did I walk and not run? Well, I am a kind of disobedient student for my all-time favorite physics teacher- Miss Potter. Yes, every Thursday, it was her period I had to bear with every morning and it was me, her all-time favorite student being late in her period. How lucky I am! Am I not? I laughed to myself, evilly. Didn't I know that how bad I was going to be treated in detention? Of course I did! And as I was already in detention, I didn't care! I reached the third floor almost dragging myself, the sweat was trickling down my face and I was panting as if I had just run in a marathon race. I didn't have much stamina, you see. I reached room no.324. I haulted to catch my breath. I put my hand over the door frame and strained my ears to hear what was going on inside. How strange I am, no? Instead of rushing inside, I stood there like an idiot. It's because I have developed a bad habit of making Miss Potter angry. I have got used to that glare. I was able to hear faint voices and I realised that Miss Potter was taking the attendance."Adrian Thomas Johnson Williams?" I heard her speak my bestfriend's full name.That was so irritating. I could still hear giggles from here and there on his name. Well, all the middle names are his ancestors' names and I guess Miss Potter likes to take full names rather than just first name. Reason number two why I hate her. Reason number one I guess is very clear- she gives the worst detentions.I realised I didn't hear his voice. Gosh! He still hadn't returned from hiking. His family was very adventurous type and that meant my best friend too was a great explorer. "Anna Jean Jones?" Miss Potter called out.Uh, that time had come when I had to enter the class and make her annoyed. I pushed open the door and screamed, yes I screamed, "Present!" I didn't bother to speak 'Ma'am'. My evil side couldn't wait to hear her annoyed taunts and see her angry face but something opposite happened. She smiled at me. How could she smile at me? I was late and she hated students coming late to her class."You may take your seat, Anna," I stared at her as she spoke in her sweetest voice I had ever heard. She didn't speak this sweet to even her favorite students. I was in a confused situation at the moment. Either I move to my seat and wait for her taunts or I remain glued to where I was.I played the ten point game in this situation. Never heard of it? Well, it's my personal game which formed in this silly mind of mine. I count till ten moving my fingers left and right in between the options and till I stop counting, wherever my finger will stop, that will be the option which I would choose. By the way, it all depended upon me if I wanted second option to win then my finger will definitely stop on the second option. I am biased, am I not? I began moving my index finger left and right very slowly for someone to notice except my best friends Emily and Serena of course. Since I had less time, I reduced the seconds to five. Apparently, I chose the second option. I remained glued to my spot."Miss Jones?"The whole class was staring at me as if I was a kind of clown just a bit nervous before her first show. I looked at Emily and Serena's horrified faces as to what I was doing. I darted my eyes back to my teacher who had a softened expression now. Why was I attempting to annoy her? Had I gone mad? If Adrian would have been there, he would have been laughing like a maniac in whole class and we both would have ended in detention."Yes?" I said."Any problem? Do you want your seat changed?" Miss Potter asked me like she was concerned about me."Um, no. I was just... Ma'am, I came late," then after a pause I said, "Won't you punish me?" I spoke shamelessly. "Well, you're already in detention Miss Jones." Oh. But couldn't she extend the detention or something? Shut up Anna, you're losing your mind now.I didn't reply, I heard giggles of some girls on back seat. I turned red as tomato in embarassment.Wait, why was I getting embarassed? Anna, relax! I looked down and sat beside Serena who had saved me a seat."What are you upto?" she whispered, urgently."No idea," I laughed at my foolishness.I was still very much confused that at first place why did I try to get a punsihment purposedly and at the second place why didn't Miss Potter get angry with me? I am crazy."Do you realise that she could've extended your bloody detention?" "Yes," I replied and let out a silent giggle, "If Adrian would have been here, he would've been proud of me!"Why was I thinking about him so much? I knew he was on a hiking trip and he was no way coming back before a week. But, to be honest with myself, I needed to tell him everything that happened with Mike. I don't understand why Iw as making a big deal out of it. I just met him once and I was already thinking alot about him. Because my mind was nowhere present in this boring Physics class, I didn't realise that I had to write formulae in detention. But hey, my mind was busy okay?I still thought about random things and mostly of that dream. That was the first time I dreamt of him and it felt...good.Well, that's why you are thinking about it.Yeah right. I am so intelligent and obvious. I looked at the watch for the 324th time now in this room 324. What a coincidence! Okay, I may have exaggerated the number but really it felt like a thousandth time. I can't help it. It was just a matter of few seconds and this class would end.My day was like a blur after the extremely digusting Physics class. You know, I love other subjects so a good thing was that Physics was over in the first period itself. I am a very positive person.I was very hungry and my Biology class ended. That meant it was recess time and I will get the oppurtunity to stuff all the food availbale infront of me. I am not joking, I will definitely stuff it in my mouth no matter how funny I may look cause hey, I was damn hungry man. Okay, that was alot of thinking about in what way I was going to attack my food. If I kept creating these ideas in my classroom, I'll probably faint with hunger while walking to the canteen.Anna, just for 3 minutes, do not think of food so you can reach the canteen in one piece.I kept telling myself this on my way to canteen. This was me thinking about food in a way."My baby!" my bestfriend Em screamed from behind me. I turned around and hugged her tightly. How much I needed her! But we barely talked at school because of the person I hate the most (Exceptions are always there- Miss Potter), her boyfriend Albert."Where's Albert?" I had to ask her to confirm if she was going to come with me in the lunch time or going away with that jerk."Does it matter? Let's go, probably the dragons in your stomach can't keep quiet."I turned a tinge of scarlett. Afterall she was my best friend and she knew that I was hungry. Thanks to my stomach for letting her know. Correction: Dragons in stomach.Remember what I said about stuffing all the food in my mouth? Well, that seemed to be a wrong idea. I had taken six sausages, four toasts, butter, juice and for no reason two chocolates. Let me tell you the episode when I was finished with everything but one toast."Serena, do you need another toast?""You've already given me one," she spoke irritated."Em?" "Nope," she simply rejected."Come on!" I groaned.They grinned at my situation. I didn't waste food. Nobody should. But I can't go around offering my toast to everyone. I would look stupid. And that would be two awkward moments for a day. I imagined myself offering toasts to people and shuddered at the thought."What's up girls?" I heard a sexy and husky voice from behind me.I turned around to see Nathan. Why him at this moment? He would really mock me about this toast thing about how hungry person I was. Ugh!Stop groaning mentally. Do something.My inner conscience snapped at me. You must be wondering why the two most popular bad boys (Nathan and Alexander) of the school have come to my table. Well, I really knew how to pick my best friends. Emily was the popular girl of the school and so her friend circle as a result was this.Nathan sat between me and Emily while Alexander dragged a chair from the nearby table and sat beside Serena. Serena for a reason seemed...nervous. You got to see a nervous Serena very less. She was looking at her empty plate. Unfortunately, mine wasn't empty. I had a big toast to finish. I half-heartedly began spreading butter on it when Nathan and Emily stopped talking and Nathan got an oppurtunity to take interest in what I was doing."Jones, you shouldn't eat that much butter. I don't know how you're so-""Shut up!" I said cutting him off straightaway.For a moment he looked shocked. Of course no girl had ever snapped at him but me.But, that arrogant look was back on his face. "Aw! Jones seems in a shitty mood today," he cooed making me red with anger. I got up abruptly, swung my backpack over my shoulder, picked up my iphone and turned around to go away. I was not in a mood to talk to that jerk. But I guess he needed to prove himself as a dominating jerk infront of everyone. He grabbed my wrist haulting me."Hey!" I exclaimed looking angrily at him."Don't go! I was just joking," he stated."Then keep your fucking jokes to yourself," I snapped.He raised his hands in a peace gesture."Come on Anna, sit down." Emily said to me.I was again seated infront of my unfinished food."You should eat it," Nathan spoke to me.What the hell? Can't he just leave me alone? "Piss off!" I swore at him.I was in no mood to eat the toast now. But to my surprise, Serena who had not spoken even a word since the last few minutes took my toast and began nibbling it. I guess she was nervous about...something. I didn't know what.I made a mental note to ask her after the recess.
Nathan didn't bother me after I snapped at him two times. How strange of me to count how many times I snapped at him. After the frustrating recess and three periods of Psychology, I was in no mood to play volleyball. Today Emily was always clinging to me. I knew the reason. She was worried that I would intentionally get in trouble today if she didn't remain with me. I admit, I had been a bit lonely without Adrian. That was a thing with having a guy best friend, they could interpret your problem and give you a good solution. Adrian could even tell me what my feelings were. I am not saying that Emily couldn't but if they both are there to solve my problem then nothing like it. I decided to call Ad today. I really couldn't bear not talking to him for even a few hours let alone days.It was my detention time and Emily was my ride home as I hadn't come to school on my cycle. She would soend her time with Albert till I was struggling in detention. I reached Miss Potter's office and knocked her door."Come in!" she said.I entered and sat on the desk."Miss Jones," I thought she would taunt me about what happened today, "in today's detention, I am going to give you an easy task."I darted my eyes to her in hope but I guess it was not easy for me. She had a paper in her hand and she handed it to me. It was a diagram of a prawn."You have to draw this on a blank sheet." I was very happy. I loved to draw biology diagrams. She saw the happiness on my face and spoke very sweetly, "Sometimes detentions are not that bad." I smiled at her. I never thought I would ever in my life smile at her even if I was threatened to do so. But, at the moment I was grateful to her for not giving me a worse detention. I wonder what happened to her. Did she eat something wrong in her breakfast? I was about to ask that but changed my mind in time. I loved to be happy.My detention was over within half-an-hour and I didn't even hear a single taunt from her today. I looked for Emily and Albert here and there but there was no sign of them. I decided to go to the parking lot. It was cold and I put my hands in my jacket's pocket. Where the hell was Emily. The parking lot was empty. Just one black BMW waited at the corner. I noticed that Nathan was standing near it and whistling. I ignored him and I realised that I had to walk home now. Apparently, Em forgot about me. That ruined my good mood a little but then it was devastated completely when Nathan called me by my last name. Again."Hey Jones!" he called out in that arrogant voice.Unwillingly, I turned around only to see him coming towards me.---A/N: Hey Lovelies! Did you like this chapter? More of Adrian I see. Don't worry, you'll get to meet him soon. So the question that arises is- What is Nathan doing here? Is he being good to her? Your opinions? I am not letting out any spoilers. Lol. Thank you for your amazing love and support. Love you loads.Hugs, kisses and Anna's good-bad mood;)Gargi.
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